Kabale University Guild has established a new quasi-judicial organ, the Guild Tribunal Committee, which was presented to the Guild Council during a meeting by Hon. Minister Otim Densh Okuri, the Guild Minister of Justice.
The committee is made up of the following members: Tumuhimbise Vincent (Chairperson), Ssempala Modan (Vice Chairperson), Atukunda Annah (Publicity), Atukunda Bright (Speaker), Natumanya Joshua (Welfare), and Otimu Denish Okuri (Minister of Justice, Secretary).
The members were all approved by the Guild Representative Council due to their qualifications and fulfilled requirements to be on the Guild Tribunal. They promised to execute their roles as the tribunal committee as outlined in the constitution.
The Guild Tribunal Committee has the power to make recommendations to the relevant Guild Council’s Disciplinary Committee, and it shall be independent in all dealings, reporting only to the GRC. The tribunal is composed of the Legal Advisor, who shall be an ex-officio member, and five students elected by the GRC, who should be persons of high moral character and proven integrity. The committee shall regulate its rules of procedure, but none of these rules shall be contrary to the principles of natural justice, the University Regulations, and the Constitution.
In his remarks, HE. Diaz Drake Owoyesigire (7th Guild President Kable University) requested that the committee members work as a team and ensure that they inform students about the roles and functions of the tribunal. The GRCs also urged the tribunal committee to carry out its role without bias. The Guild Tribunal is a forum for dispute resolution, and any member who deems their rights to have been violated by a fellow member may individually petition the tribunal for redress. The tribunal shall give such orders as it deems fit, provided such orders do not contravene the principles of natural justice and the University Regulations. Any individual who is dissatisfied with the decision of the Guild Tribunal may appeal to the GRC through the Speaker.
Kabale University’s Guild Tribunal Committee has been established to ensure the proper functioning of the university’s student government. The tribunal’s independence and impartiality are essential to ensuring that all students’ rights are protected. The committee has an important role to play in ensuring that the Guild Government upholds the university’s regulations and the Constitution. Students can rest assured that their rights will be protected, and any disputes will be resolved fairly and justly